Padraig O’Sullivan featured in Frazer Holmes Coaching podcast

There is a 25-50% failure of assignment rate in expats sent to another country to head up the work there. The failure rates among others going through leadership transition such as those who are promoted, move company, move state or change career industry are not much different. Enter the coach.

Padraig O’Sullivan has been helping guide expats through this failure zone into both happiness and corporate success by “insuring” against nine known failure points using executive coaching. We have much to learn from this area.

Using the Marshall Goldsmith model of stakeholder centricity and his own PALDER framework, Padraig shows us how these ideas can be used in any setting of coaching at all when working with leadership transition.

View the original article here or listen directly below:

Pod O’Sullivan featured in HRD Singapore

When asked about what a new CHRO could expect in their first 100 days on the job, Padraig O’Sullivan, summed it up quite simply: “Everyone’s nice to you but no one wants to be your friend.”

In this HRD Singapore article, Miklos Bolza interviews Padraig about surviving the first 100 days in a new CHRO role.

Read the full interview here

Vero Insurance Case Study

In October 2006, in response to market speculation that insurance giant Suncorp was likely to make a bid for the Promina Group, its subsidiary insurance company Vero felt it had two choices: manage change or be managed by it.

Team coaching for organisational learning and innovation – A case study of an Australian pharmaceutical subsidiary.

This case study describes how the Australian affiliate of a multinational corporation pharmaceutical company developed a strong discipline of organisation learning which enabled them to become more innovative, foster high engagement scores and win prestigious awards. 

It was achieved through building processes to accommodate sustained learning even when key leadership personnel were regularly changing.

Head above water: New executive transitions

Think of all the transitions a new executive needs to make before they can even start to settle into their new role. There is increased responsibility and complexity, as well as enhanced visibility, new reporting lines (sometimes to former peers) and possibly even the need for cultural transition if the job involves a move overseas. Now magnify that experience by four and you have the situation SEEK found itself in.

Iain Hopkins explores how employers can ensure new executives not only have their heads above water but are on their victory lap by the time their first appraisal rolls around in his article featuring Padraig O’Sullivan