We are a boutique Management Consulting firm that specialises in Top Team development, ‘C’ level Leader Development and fostering organisational Cuture Change to high performance and beyond
Who We Are
We have all come out of large consulting and MNC organisations and have deliberately chosen to go boutique, together! Our backgrounds are varied. But amongst the many things we have in common, is a love of and vast experience in leadership. In our careers we have held leadership roles at national and international levels in Banking, Finance, HR, Consulting, Healthcare, Commercial leadership, Entrepreneurial start ups to mention a few. We are small therefore responsive and agile. You only get one of our Partners as your partner.
High Performing & Effective Teams
We understand from years of experience in Australia, across Asia, the Middle East, the USA and UK, that a high performing leadership team is the fastest way to attain long term sustainable success in an organisation.
We believe teams that embrace proven structures, work at acquiring practical skills, align and learn together on the work of the team will achieve high performing outputs and effectiveness. That is our ethos.
What We Bring To You
Our collective experience is vast. We have led the Asia Pacific region in one of the largest Pharmaceutical co transformations, ever. Our clients list spans Government agencies at Federal and State levels, Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals, Banking and Finance, Industrials, Service organisations, Technology companies, Telco and Entertainment industries. Our publications are read internationally and some of our research is taught on Master level programs.
We are told we bring great expertise wrapped in compassion, humour, music and fun! We like that.
Mostly what we bring to you is our ferocious desire to help you and your teams operate together at your best level. Today and beyond.
Some Of Our Clients